Origin Story

This comic tells the story of how Ninja Baseball Bat Man came to be. The Baseball world was shocked to learn that fadin Baseball Super Star, Jose Majors had been traded. Not just traded to another team, but a team in another country! That country was Japan. While considering retirement, Jose decided to give it one more shot. While in Japan, he realizes he was destined to be more than just a Baseball Super Star…He was destined to be a crime fighting SUPER HERO!

The names of the characters and items are trademarks of Drew Maniscalco and licensed to Captive Comics to be published by Salvatore Brucculeri. All rights reserved.

Created by

Drew Maniscalco

Written by

Salvatore Brucculeri

Art by

Monique Blaize

History of NBBM

“Now that I had the name, I need to develop his universe. I knew that baseball was the national pastime in Japan and being a baseball fan myself I started to draw the Ninja Baseball Bat Man character in a baseball uniform with his weapon being a baseball bat. After I finished, I needed to think of his enemies, that’s when it really started to roll. Enemy #1 Double Header (a bad guy with two heads), #2 Bat Boy (a Bat wielding two dangerous bats), #3 Spit Ball (a baseball spitting fire), Pinch Hitter, Fowl Ball, Screw Ball, and on and on. So I incorporated Baseball terminology to the characters and the framework for the game was……


beat ’em up / brawler

Release year






NBBM Creator

Drew Maniscalco

Creator of the Ninja Baseball Man Character and concept design for the 1993 Irem Arcade game.

Find out more about NBBM